December Match Report

The Unofficial Swiss match officially ends our match calendar for 2019. It was a great day for shooting. We tweak this match every year to make it more to our liking. But, seeing 30 caliber holes at 300 yds. hasn't gotten any easier. You just have to trust to your zero and be consistent. Jim did that and posted the best score. Click here to see the results.

We are doing some thinking about our 2020 match schedule. If you have any suggestions, send them to me by email. Most of our matches are the result of suggestions by our shooters.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our matches this year. A special thanks to my fellow club members who I've had to lean on even more this past year. Jim, Jay, Tim, Dick, Tom you guys are the best. Whether keeping our gear organized, scoring, setting targets, or helping someone get a good zero, you guys always pitch in. Have a happy new year and we'll see you back in January.